
About the Artist and the Art

Gabrielle Miller was born in, and currently lives in, Southern California. She enjoys working with a variety of mediums including painting, crochet, writing, and sewing. In college, she studied art history. She has a huge appreciation for all forms of art throughout history, and among different cultures.
Crystals, fossils and geology have always been a passion ever since the artist can remember. With a special eye for organization and a passion for art, creating crystal grids seemed to happen intuitively and organically.
As an intuitive, she channels energies to inspire the grids she creates. Through meditation and inspiration from her surroundings, the themes for each grid are born. Creating crystal grids is a type of energy work to assist in healing, manifesting and inspiring a person towards their personal expansion and progression.

The grids created in the photos are ephemeral. That means that they are all loose crystals and are not glued down or attached to any surface. Once assembled, a photo is taken, and then the grid is eventually disassembled. That way, the same crystals are “recycled” and can be used to create another grid. Each photo is an actual grid made out of real crystals from the earth, some are rough and some are polished. Occasionally materials are used that are not crystals such as horns, shells or fossils, and rarely used are man made crystals. The grids are relatively large in scale and measure roughly about 30 inches in size. Each grid has a title/intention. The intention gives the photo purpose, and can be used to help aid or inspire along with the visual of the image. Every photo is taken in natural lighting so the colors of the crystals are true to how they would actually look in person. All grids and photos are made by Gabrielle.