Connecting to and Activating your Crystal

Connecting with your crystal is a personal thing if you feel drawn to do so. Hold your crystal and write down anything, a physical sensation or thought etc. It’s a fun thing to do there is no right or wrong answer. You can always look up metaphysical properties of different crystals for direction, but sometimes it’s more fun to have your own individual thoughts and relationship with your crystal. Each crystal has its own “personality” and energy and you will have your own connection to it and its properties. How you decide to translate that is totally up to you.

If you want to use your crystal for healing purposes, try activating it to increase that energy within the crystal. If you have connected to your crystal and, for example, you personally feel that this crystal “wants” to be used to attract love into your life, hold the crystal and focus your thoughts on “pushing” that energy into your crystal. When you choose your crystal, it also “chooses” you. If the crystal stands out to you, and you connect to the crystal, the intention you set is almost like an agreement between you and your crystal. It wants to work with you too!